this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?

(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)

22 April 2007

chicago, phase 2 by megan and tim

you can read megan's account on travelingpolaroids.blogspot.com, or click on the link under "stories of traveling polaroids" to the right.

this first photo is a gift from john w. sisson, jr., a fellow photographer who found a polaroid and sent me this image


  1. I found your polaroid on the revolving door of a Starbucks on Lake and LaSalle Street in Chicago. This was an afternoon in March, and the card got lost in the general shuffle of papers on my coffee table, but now I have found it again, and I can share a nice coincidence: according to your website, it looks like the photo was taken in Paris in early March, and I was also visiting the city then. So I was in Paris around the time the shot was taken, and found it once I returned to Chicago. Odd and wonderful. Thanks for a serendipitous encounter.

  2. I found a picture taped to the back of a 'section closed' sign at La Croix Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I wondered who would leave a photo there and why? After being initially suspicious, I realized that I hadn't pondered the question 'what gives me hope' in quite a while. So, what about hope? We seem to be living in a time that focuses on fear, suspicion and bad news but I really don't have to stay there. I feel hopeful when I see people returning to visit their home town for the holidays and the bonds that hold families and friends together over time and distance. I feel hopeful when I see simple courtesy and concern for a stranger -the small kindnesses that don't receive much attention but, do so much to make our world more as God intended it to be. I feel hope when I see people smile at each other. Choosing sincere gratitude for recieving my basic needs allows me to trust God and hope for the future.
