this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?

(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)

24 September 2007

anderson university


  1. it's interesting that i found this polaroid on the one place that matters the most.. a place to keep my 1982 scwhinn le tour safe and locked up at all times.

    my bicycle gives me hope.

    seeing smiling faces while i'm on my bicycle, gives me hope.

    being able to smile back, gives me hope.

    the limitless possibilities that the future may hold for me, gives me hope.

    change gives me hope.

    my mother gives me hope for surviving cancer.

    my dad gives me hope for winning many marathons in his lifetime.

    love gives me hope.

    simply being, gives me hope.

    hope gives me hope.

  2. Kelly,
    What gives me hope? There are so many things, but as I asked myself this vital question one answer came to mind: friendship. There is nothing in the world like a friend, someone that knows all you are, and still loves you just the same. As I look through your photos I think of love, laugher, grace and so much more. The person behind the camera gives me hope because I see passion, beauty, wonder, and creation through your eyes. Dispite the mess of life there is still beauty...like the signs of life after a wildfire...one piece of green admist the ashes. So we breath in and we breath out, life goes on just the same...if that isn't hope, then I don't know what is.
    - Jen
