this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?

(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)

21 March 2007


1 comment:

  1. When you havn't talked to someone in awhile for whatever reason, and there is this heavy awkwardness in tha air, a sense of loss hanging thick, a deep grief over lost relationship... and then, you write this person a simple note or take the time to call, and in a moment the hidden burden is lifted and something is reborn; a relationship renewed. The air is good again. That gives me hope, that things can be put back together.
