this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?

(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)

18 September 2007



  1. Found a polaroid at the Blackstone Library, and it was a pleasant surprise to my day; I love the idea of it. Thank you...that alone gives me hope, I hope you know.

    I am a social worker and each day I see things that would sadden most and disgust many--child abuse, domestic violence, gang warfare, the mentally ill uncared for..

    but what gives me hope are unexpected delightful conversations with people I don't know--the Walgreens checker, the homeless woman--even if she's playing me, the woman in the next bowl from me, getting her pedicure...I see much hope in the outdoors, in the greenery of the city, the blue in the Lake, seeing people not like me in neighborhoods I've never been to, in the crisp clean air of Maine (just got back), the barks of harbor seals, and in the stink of ocean seaweed.

    Hope is in reunions with my best friends from kindergarten--still my best friends. In being able to crack up laughing with them, as if we'd only just graduated from 2nd grade--as if no time has passed.

    flowers. and color. and decorating magazines. Hope is in anything that makes me happy.

    Hope in my cats Oscar and Winnie, even when they bite me.

    great hope in the infant in China that my husband and I will bring home shortly--after a 3 year journey to her. Infinite hope will be mine, in her smile.

    Ultimate hope in God Almighty, who is my strength and my salvation, and who thinks of me far more often than I end up thinking of Him. And ultimate hope in my husband and best friend, who I love beyond all belief.

  2. My boyfriend found one of your pieces of artwork somewhere in downtown Chicago. I'm an artist myself, and I am always at struggle within myself when it comes to living an urban life. I crave nature always, but more importantly, I crave color. Your art has inspired me within my own work, and has made me begin to learn to spread color to others who may need it even more than I do. Thank you.
