this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?

(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)

02 April 2009

toronto, ontario


  1. I found my polaroid in my living room. It was a lovely surprise:)

    What gives me hope?

    Jesus gives me hope; He is the only one who is always true, always faithful, always loving.

    He gives me hope that one day there will be a new heavens and a new earth where there will be no more sickness, sadness, global warming, racism, hatred, and every other thing that is wrong in the world.
