this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?
(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)
I found the third polaroid from the bottom over in Chicago taped to the side of a building (I believe it was a Walgreens on canal street)
ReplyDeleteMy close friend's little brother was diagnosed with leukemia a few months back, and though obviously the struggle is hard, he is taking it so well and has remained the same person he always was. He won't go one day without making someone else smile and he only refers to his disease as "the cancer". My friend told me he made an ash tray out of clay when he wasat Children's Memorial Hospital. He's a great kid, and though it breaks my heart to hear about going through chemotherapy and all of the other struggles that accompany leukemia, it gives me hope that he is willing to retain his great sense of humor and fight.