this site was created to stimulate conversation about hope. you may have found a polaroid with this website on the back, or happened upon it through the internet abyss. no matter. you are here. so please leave a comment and answer this: what gives you hope?
(to respond, click on "# comments" under the set of photos where you found the polaroid (or any entry) and share what gives you hope.)
Mine was on the mailbox at Weston & Sheldon.
ReplyDeleteAt first the question, "What gives you hope?" amused me. It brought the image of the Obama campaign poster to mind, which was timely because I was mailing my absentee ballot in the same moment.
But presidential candidates aren't what really give me hope. Hope comes from the people who live their lives in such a way that they can't help but smile. The people that think, "this too shall pass" of the unpleasant. And they just keep on trucking, loving the small gifts that a day can bring. I find these people deliciously infectious and they are who give me hope.